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MSTR Scar Tissue Release

30min | £30


MSTR® is an innovative, pain-free natural method of helping you with your scars. Gentle, finger-tip pressure is applied to the area to help free the restrictions in the scar. No force is involved and the work is always applied within your tolerance. 


What type of scars is suitable for MSTR Scar Tissue Release?

The McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release® is suitable for a variety of scars, including post-surgical scars as well as scars from accidents or injuries. Here are a few examples:

Appendix, or Gall bladder surgery





Joint replacement scars (knee, hip, etc)

Burn scars

Trauma wounds

Facial scars

muscle tears


​Why is scar tissue release recommended? 

Scars may have a huge influence on the body and may cause restrictions in the fascia, weaken muscular strength, inhibited joint movement, reduced energy flow, or reduction in blood and lymph flow. 

Some scars may look and feel unpleasant and may also even be upsetting as they mind remind you of a traumatic event. 


What to expect at a scar tissue release session?

As part of every massage session, you will be required to complete a consultation form. This will also include more detailed information about the scar. 

The touch is very gentle and is adapted to each individual client and scar and applied with the fingertips. Often just one or two sessions can already produce noticeable changes you can see and feel. Even though your scar may be many years old, it may still benefit from this tissue release work.


What clients say after they received MSTR Scar Tissue Release:

A female client with an older scar on her finger from an accident: " I noticed a release of tension in my finger and improvement of my sensibility". 

A female client with scars from major surgery 2 years ago, after the first session: "I can't believe the difference in the scar. It feels so much more comfortable and less sore."

Feedback from one of her doctors: "The scar has healed so well, I can't believe it is only 2 years old!"

Female client after two C-sections: "The tissue around my scar feels so much softer."

After the second session: "The scar has gone so much softer and the area around it is not as puffed. It is a lot flatter on the side as well."

Location & Contact Details


Saturdays 12-6pm: We Are Wellness

2 N Hill Rd | Headingley | Leeds | LS6 2EN

by appointment only.

How to book:


M: 07932349290


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